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                                                                                                                Debriefing Climbing Activities
                                                                                                                              By Adam Chan


There are various climbing activities commonly used in adventure learning programs. The classic High Elements like postman walk, balancing beam, etc and some other innovative climbing apparatus that have evolved over years of adventure programming for example the Peak Ascent of Outward Bound Singapore and the Team Challenge Pyramid of Focus Adventure. Both are unique in their design and operating principles however both offer participants unforgettable learning experiences in various value related aspects like increasing self-efficacy, the significance of teamwork, etc.
Conducting climbing activities are not difficult; perfection in covering the safety aspects in the form of briefing can be attained through rehearsal and practices. After all, the value of any adventure learning activities hinges on the reflections from the participants a.k.a. debriefing. The following sections discuss in depth the different debriefing methods applied on climbing activities.

The Classic High Elements

The High Elements have a founding place in adventure programming. Conceived at the pioneering stages of adventure programming, it has a profound effect on the evolvement such programs.


There are various climbing activities commonly used in adventure learning programs. The classic High Elements like postman walk, balancing beam, etc and some other innovative climbing apparatus that have evolved over years of adventure programming for example the Peak Ascent of Outward Bound Singapore and the Team Challenge Pyramid of Focus Adventure. Both are unique in their design and operating principles however both offer participants unforgettable learning experiences in various value related aspects like increasing self-efficacy, the significance of teamwork, etc.
Conducting climbing activities are not difficult; perfection in covering the safety aspects in the form of briefing can be attained through rehearsal and practices. After all, the value of any adventure learning activities hinges on the reflections from the participants a.k.a. debriefing. The following sections discuss in depth the different debriefing methods applied on climbing activities.

The Classic High Elements

The High Elements have a founding place in adventure programming. Conceived at the pioneering stages of adventure programming, it has a profound effect on the evolvement such programs.

Corporate Team building framework infographic

Facilitator could start off with sharing inspiring stories related to climbing. For example, mountaineering stories, natural rock climbing, sports climbing, etc what ever that may prime their thoughts in making connection between emotions and insights.

Sensing their readiness to share is paramount to a well facilitated session. Once the facilitator deems they are “ready”, get them to be seated in a circle and commence the sharing process.

FacilitatorLet’s take turns to share our insights we have got from the experience. Going in a circle, each person think of a word or a short phrase to describe the experience you have just received.

Using a word or short phrase makes it simple for everyone to start of sharing. Once everyone shared, the facilitator could go back to the start of the circle for the next sharing.

Facilitator: There should be meanings for the phrase or word you have mentioned. Let’s take turns to expound on the word or phrase you have used in the initial round.

Usually, the sharing would come naturally, with less difficulty than starting off with “How did you feel?”

Facilitator should be alert of their sharing, latching on to any relevant insights, expounding on it and making a strong and visible tie-back to the role they play in their organization.

Unexpected, Marveled and Wonderful

The process if gathering the participants is the same as “Just One Word”.

Facilitator: The rope protects you here, what is protecting you at workplace? The belay team is providing protection for the climbing remotely; is it easy for the climber to forget/overlook this discreet relationship?

Obtaining responses from participants are not necessary however it would be a bonus.

Facilitator can now introduce the debrief structure to them. In their own group, each participant should talk about the followings;

·         What did you observed as unexpected? (focus on behaviors, decisions made, interactions)

·         What marveled you?

·         What leaves you with a wonderful feeling?

For a group size up to 30, they can be divided into 4 small groups or organize them according to the number of climbing teams. The discussion should be relating the climbing experiences to the three questions. Each participant should take turns to share their insights. Allow up to 10 minutes for the initial round of sharing.

After the initial round, select from each group, one representative to summarize their individual group sharing to the rest if the members. Facilitators should record the key words on the flipchart (see photo for sample). Visually, this will capture the essence of their insights.

Paradigms, Memories and Insights

Frontload the climbing activity by asking them; “Why climb?” History has numerous anecdotes that show the benefits from going through any adventurous experiences. There is a saying of “Let the Mountain speaks for itself” from people who have experienced a trip in the mountains. Climbing mountains itself is an adventurous trip and many thoughts can be evoked from it. Facilitator can start sharing with the following dialogue.

Facilitator: Why do we climb? (wait for responses)

Usually there will be witty inputs like,

·         Because it is there

·         Challenge oneself

·         On holiday

Such inputs are important as they evoke others to think about the word adventure, what are the adventures in our lives?

Facilitator: Climbing evokes paradigms, memories and insights. Is that right? (wait for responses). What is paradigm? (pause for a while)

Facilitator: Paradigms are like cognitive maps in our heads. These maps are formed in accordance to the social norms. They are the “must be”, “ought to be”, “shall be”, “should be”, etc of our lives. They are closely related to our fundamental beliefs but it is not as core as our belief systems.

Facilitator: Memories, anyone would like to define it? Any external stimulus that has significant meanings will be etched into our minds as memories. Last but not least, Insights.

Facilitator: What do think that is? (pause for a while) When you are able comprehend the essence of climbing, making the connection to your life, you have gained insights. It is a deep understanding of things through experiences, observation, analysis or intuition.


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Singapore

Each team will be tasked to build a robot together. After which they will be going through the learning session on manual controls and how to control them. This will allow their robots to be unique as compared to the rest. Their final objective will be to pit the robot that they built against man-made obstacles such as to carry items and moving from point A to point B or to going through a maze or to dance! The possibilities is endless! They will then customise a message for the children using the robots built and have it delivered to the beneficiaries.


Learning Objectives


  • To understand that it is not always the results that matter but also the process
  • Engage participant’s imagination and problem solving skills
  • Increase confidence and commitment levels
    Allows greater meaning to giving and helping those in need
  • To tap on each other’s strengths and weaknesses
Supermarket Race Challenge Logo

If you are looking for an exciting challenge with a meaningful element, The Supermarket Race Challenge! will be the program for you! Teams will get to earn cash by attempting a series of challenges along the race, in a bid to earn enough money to purchase essential items for the selected beneficiary. Given a limited time and facing multiple challenges, teams will have to plan carefully and make strategic decisions to optimize their resources, and purchase as many items as possible for a good cause.