It was an intensive 4 Days 3 Night programme that the new hires from an MNC went through! The 4 days were packed with activities for the 15 participants. The suspense was high as no one knew what was next throughout the entire journey from the time they arrived to the time we ended! The last two days of the programme stretched the participants to the fullest in their camaraderie spirit and it was rewarding! On day 3, the participants set sailed on 2 of our sailboats from our Tuas office (Raffles Marina) to our site in Sentosa (One Degree 15 Marina Club) which is about 24 nautical miles away. On this particular day, the participants were in for a surprise as they faced strong currents going against them. The teams had to stand ground towards not one but two big storms! The second storm was in front of the sailboats, and we were running directly into it. One of the participants commented, “Are we heading towards the storm??” and yes they were! With many calculated risks and perceived/actual risks accessed, the Facilitators made the decision for the green light which turned out to be the best memorable experience for the participants! The amount of teamwork they had to put together during the journey was exceptional as teams need to complete various tasks on the sailboat in quick seconds and stress level was high! It was a ‘Where every moment is a challenge!’ for everyone! On a typical day the journey will take about 5-6 hours to complete. This time, the expedition took a jaw dropping 10hours to complete, and everyone came out of the boat visibly tired but a great sense of accomplishment!
Some feedback from participants:
“It teaches us to not fear the unknown and keep pushing our limits. Learned a lot from everything we did, very great job and fun activities!”
“The debrief sessions, they help us to relate the experience from the activities to the Organisation and how we can better manage ourselves to better manage the working environment.”