Going Zero Waste for our Programmes
Leaning on technological breakthroughs, we have proudly made some changes to the delivery of programmes to align with our sustainability vision. We have gone ZERO WASTE for two of our popular programmes; The Rollercoaster Challenge! and The Incredible Race Challenge!
For The Rollercoaster Challenge! instead of giving participants straws and balloon sticks, we have invested in rubber tubes that can do the same job but are reusable! This means that after each programme for The Rollercoaster Challenge!, we are able to reuse 100% of the materials!
For The Incredible Race Challenge! We used to print hard copies for our participants. But we have since moved to have participants’ using their mobile phones to access race content via the e-forms. This has made the activity efficient, interactive and participative for all members of the team! A “leaderboard” is also created electronically via the links where teams can view other teams’ performance in real-time!