On 17 October, 28 youths from Singapore Children’s Society Jurong Youth Centre gathered for a morning of exciting activities. They were part of the YouthGIG Concert Team involved in the concert at Shuqun Secondary School on 27 November. Along with a team from FOCUS Adventure and subsidiary company Camp Challenge, the team building event served to bring the youth closer and push them out of their comfort zones through a series of challenging activities.
Fortunately, the weather was favourable for conducting high elements. Most of the youth were excited and eager to challenge the high elements; however there were a few who were fearful and anxious. The youth were grouped into teams, and took turns attempting the different elements. Being their maiden experience, it proved to be a challenge for most, as they slowly grew accustomed to the climbing equipment and the various call signs.

Throughout the session, it was heartwarming to see mutual encouragement among the participants. Those more comfortable on the high elements took on supportive roles, guiding and encouraging those with difficulties. They understood the importance of actively playing their respective roles, in order to facilitate each team member’s safety and progress on the high elements. It was certainly a collective team effort.
Regardless of the roles assigned, each and every youth’s participation contributed to the overall success of YouthGIG. To see the teambuilding activity contributing to the success of the event was indeed comforting.
Feedback from Participant:
On 17 October 2015, our youths who were involved in YouthGIG 2015 took part in a teambuilding activity organised by FOCUS Adventure and sister company CAMP CHALLENGE.
The Facilitators from FOCUS Adventure understood the gist of YouthGIG concert and what it meant for the youths who were involved in it. They customised the teambuilding activity which infused elements of fun and teambonding. The team of Facilitators were professional when engaging the youths and put in extra effort to ensure that the youths were safe during the High Elements activities at the campsite.
At the end of the activity, our youths understood the importance of teamwork, which had helped them in working together closely during the YouthGIG 2015 concert, contributing to its success on 27 November 2015.
We would like to thank FOCUS Adventure for organising the teambuilding activity for the youths.
Tan Shu Hao, Youth Worker, Singapore Children’s Society