Calling all professionals from the Education, Learning and Development as well as Outdoor Adventure field. FOCUS Adventure is proud to present the latest innovation in challenge ropes course technology – the Team Challenge Hourglass (TCH). The TCH is a 24 m high challenge tower consisting of 24 different challenges, and is designed to stimulate maximum participant engagement and learning. It operates on a continuous belay system, which is easy for participants to use and significantly enhances their safety.
FOCUS Adventure would like to invite Instructors, Trainers, Educators, Facilitators and anyone from the people development field to join the TCH accreditation programmes. These programmes will allow you to guide and lead your own groups on the TCH. There are two levels of certification programmes:
1. Team Challenge Hourglass Instructor Certification
This certification will provide participants with a standardized understanding of the essential skills needed to perform effectively as an instructor on the Team Challenge Hourglass (TCH), and allows instructors to guide groups on the TCH, under the supervision of a Certified TCH Supervisor.
2. Team Challenge Hourglass Supervisor Certification
This course is designed for experienced instructors who intend to lead groups on the TCH, and will equip participants with the knowledge and skills to safely supervise participants and lead other instructors on the TCH. This certification allows supervisors to lead groups and manage certified TCH instructors on the TCH.

For more info, please visit