The COVID-19 situation made it difficult in getting together physically. FOCUS Adventure continued diving in the virtual realm resulting in creating many different activities. One such activity is our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) The Online Shopping Challenge! where participants are tasked to not only have fun through various challenges, but also to be able to give back to society! On behalf of our beneficiaries, we thank our client for their contribution! It is definitely not easy as with COVID-19 protocols, there are many restrictions to be adjusted to doing CSR programmes virtually one such factor is the scepticism in terms of engagement level of the participants as well as meeting the objectives.
However, FOCUS Adventure FAcilitators have gone through many experiences as well as armed as Certified Virtual Facilitator under the International institute for facilitation. We continuously engage and surprise participants through our virtual adventure learning programmes! Hence, we continue to help not only our clients but also our beneficiaries through our virtual programmes and to meeting their objectives!