Selamat Hari Raya! 26 March 2020

Selamat Hari Raya! 26 March 2020

Selamat Hari Raya from the CSR team! Even though we are all unable to go out to meet our relatives and friends during this time, Hari Raya is still worth celebrating. It is not easy for the malaysians who are stuck in Singapore as most of them cannot afford to go back home due to the current situation that requires 14 days quanrantine in both Singapore and Malaysia. As such, they are unable to celebrate Hari Raya with their families. To lift their moods during this period, we have managed to raise over $900 to do something for them and food was prepared by Free food for all (FFFA).

The CSR team along with some amazing volunteers helped with this event. We started early to prepare and also ensured that social distancing markings were up. They were really happy and surprised by our lunch arrangement! Following that, we continued donating the food to low income families residing in rental flats. It was not easy for our volunteers but we really appreciate everybody who helped in making a difference to those who are less priviledged. The mission is never over and we will continue to fight on! We successfully delivered 350 packets of food to those who really need it by the end of the day. Thank you to everyone who made this possible!

More Care packs coming up. More smiles to make! 19th June 2020

More Care packs coming up. More smiles to make! 19th June 2020

Today marks the first day of Phase 2 in Singapore where most businesses are able to resume. Friends and families can meet as long as the numbers are kept to a maximum of 5. However, the CSR team had a bigger mission that kept us busy and our hearts fuller! After weeks of planning, approvals and packing, it was finally D-Day – we could finally start distributing care packs to the low income families staying in rental flats!

The fund was raised by FOCUS Adventure in collaboration with our sister company CAMP CHALLENGE. The care packs consist of some daily necessities like rice, instant noodles, oats etc. Most of the receivers were pretty shy and taken aback but once they understood your intention, they were happy and glad to receiving the items.

COVID-19 has truly affected many people but we would still do our best to help one another. We do hope that these care packs are useful and we would like to thank everyone who put their effort in making this possible!

Educating on Sustainability through Exposure!

Educating on Sustainability through Exposure!

With COVID-19 still causing inconvenience for many, we continue our mission in the name of sustainability! This activity was derived from having our own internal sessions in hopes to preserving our environment. Thereafter, we decided “hey lets invite everyone else in on the fun! To be away from work and stressful environment, we practice the idea of mindfulness to enjoy the serenity of the environment and provide a platform for all ages.

Although people tend to preach about conserving the environment the impact only comes when you actually come see it for yourselves! Every session that we attempt would only contribute to perhaps 0.0001% of protecting the Earth BUT if we all contribute and work together eventually that small percentage would continue to grow especially into good habits to our next generation.

Hence this is where we create the opportunity to spread the knowledge to all who are willing to learn and to enjoy! So wait no further, come join the family and our mission to sustainability!

6 March 2020 Recce trip to St John Island – Exploration and Adventure awaits!

6 March 2020 Recce trip to St John Island – Exploration and Adventure awaits!

It was a fulfilling trip to St John Island, along with our partners from various government statutory boards and schools. Hiking around the island gave us a chance to learn and understand the different types of endangered plants and life in St John Island. The more important underlying message was about raising the awareness of taking care of the environment. Sustainability is everyone’s duty towards us and Mother Earth and hence, the CSR team aims to develop and run sustainability-based programme! The possibilities of outdoor adventure learning on the island is limitless, from going there by sea (kayaks, dragon boat etc) to nature walks and even a sustainability-themed environment excursion for both kids and adults! If you are interested to find out more, feel free to contact us at

22 Feb 2020 A Walk To Appreciate Mother Nature!

22 Feb 2020 A walk to appreciate Mother Nature!

What may seem ordinary from a distance may be more than meets the eye! That was how we felt when we took a stroll during low tide near the shores of Raffles Marina. We had to be cautious with each step as you may not know; there might be living creatures right under your feet. Even a closer look at the trees would amaze you as it is filled with different life forms coexisting together. Environmental education is enlightening as it teaches you that no matter how small or trivial, beautiful looking or not, all organism contribute to the ecosystem. It is our aim to also reach out with regards to the importance of the environment and that all of us play a part to keeping our Earth clean! The best part is to enlighten our next generation to be able to appreciate the outdoors! Hence if you are interested feel free to contact us at

Build Towards Success!

Build Towards Success!

The FOCUS Adventure Sustainability team strives to continue giving and creating smiles for all those around us! It was indeed a challenge having to ensure these bikes are properly maintained, fixed and sent to our beneficiary! All the hard labour was definitely worth it at the end of the day as we managed to deliver a total of 30 bicycles at once! These were also properly checked and sanitised before transferring to our beneficiary’s location with only one lorry! We thank everyone, our participants, our colleagues and our beneficiaries for making this possible! We look forward to continue impacting people and create meaning in lives!