Our learning methodology is highly effective. The use of experiential learning tools engages individuals and Teams in challenges, simulating them to reflect upon these experiences critically, derive useful insight, and incorporate the results through a change in understanding and/or behavior to the workplace.
Coupled with state-of-the-art outdoor facilities, our programmes strive to pitch each corporate learning experience towards greater impact.

While focusing on your programme objectives, we will pay attention to your team’s reaction to the recently implemented changes in your organisation.

Adults learn best when it is problem-cantered and action-oriented. The design of our activities ensures full participation and lessons are drawn from the learning experience.

We aim to bring about radical changes and a shift in personal and organisational belief systems and culture through our programme.

Learning is transferred by linking the experience to actual work practices. All participants co-operate to ensure that worthwhile ideas and feedback during the programme be recorded, compiled and shared. Participants should be adequately informed of related follow-up actions and their outcomes. Meetings to review progress should also be scheduled.

Evaluation up to Level 3 based on Kirkpatrick’s Model can be conducted to measure the effectiveness of the programme and its impact on participants.
FAPAE – The FOCUS Adventure Methodology – Taking a Closer and Harder and Deeper Look.
FAPAE in short, forms the backbone to the FA Programme Template. The Methodology spells out the steps taken from PRE to POST programme. Each step can be further divided in sub steps to enhance and enrich the process.
Step One
FOCUS on Objectives – On receiving an Enquiry, the Objectives of the programme is narrowed down to Recreational / Educational / Developmental. Each programme design again goes through scrutiny depending on clients articulated and implied Objectives . a Programme Proposal is then put together and sent to client. The feedback from Clients again is weaved into the programme Objectives. This results in a highly Customised programme that addresses OPTIONS. – Objectives, People, Timings, Investment, Other Considerations, New Ideas, and Sites. This Customisation is one of our USP CLBMM. For example Activities selected are matched to clients Objectives of say Values Internalisation.
Step Two
Adventure Based Experiential Learning programme is then executed in a high energy, high impact programme that revolves around the Clients’ Objectives, Sometimes the programme maybe adapted or even changed completely as a result of responses from Participants and weather conditions but the end all Objectives must be met through our Core Values of FOCUS – Fun Open Challenge Understanding Safety. Programme can also be supplemented by personality profiling and other tools. However these tools are weaved into action oriented and experiential and interactive activities.
Step Three
Paradigm Shifts – Through a series of Activities that are centred around LTI Leadership Teambuilding Innovation. A shift in paradigm occurs in the individuals and the Team. The TEAM realizes it is more effective to come together as a Team rather to work in silos. Better to communicate than to criticise .. to turn Problems into Possibilities and turn Obstacles in Opportunities. This Paradigm Shifts transforms the individuals’ mental models leading to a lasting internalisation.
Step Four
Application Centred – Each activities demonstrate and facilitates the LTI and programme Objectives. However its important to allow Participants to draw on the experience and learn for themselves and how to apply in the Real World . Adventure Learning experiences are related to work place and how they can be applied. Participants make the effort to visualise how these “Learning” can be applied in their work place.
Step Five
Evaluation – There are 4 levels of Evaluation at the end of each programme
Level 1 Eval of the Experience itself.
Level 2 Eval of what can be Learned from the Experience.
Level 3 Eval of what Behaviours have changed from the Experience and Learning
Level 4 Eval of what economic gains and ROI from the change in Behaviours.
We currently do level 1 Eval for all our clients.
Level 2 Upon request and is customised to eval what the client wants as Objectives.
Level 3 Requires a PRE and POST programme eval to measure the change “delta” .
Level 4 Eval is seldom done as there are many factors that goes into economic gains. But can be done.
These Evaluations are reported back to Organisers and Stakeholders for them to relate back to their ROI.