After completing the Team Challenge Pyramid, we were overcome with a newfound sense of self-esteem and realization that with teamwork the most seemingly difficult challenge can be conquered.
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– Jodi Lee, REC Group (Learning & Organizational Development team)

Everyone had a good and fun time and the event surely promoted a good Team Building experience!
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– Jodi Lee, REC Group (Cell and Module EPCM team)

Just to let you know that I’ve received the A3 photo & CDs, and Chocolate!!! Thank you very much, I enjoyed the programme a lot. (by the way, i think the rest also had a great time) Hope to have another event with you again soon.
– Hui San, Housing and Development Board

It is one of the greatest programmes I have ever had. It promotes team effort and Teamwork between our colleagues and of course enables us to know each other much better.
– Cheong Mun Yin, National University of Singapore

On behalf of IDA-SLA ITD , I would like to thank Shan and the FOCUS team for a job well done on Monday.
Thank you for liasing with us as well.
– Fabian, Singapore Land Authority

Please extend my appreciaion to you, Andy and the rest of the FOCUS Adventure team for a job well done! We’re happy that things went safe and smooth yesterday. Good job! We should keep in touch.
– Molly, Exxonmobil

Thank you for helping us to organize our Team Building programme on 27th February 2009 and delivering a bag of gifts to our office recently. It was nice working with you.
– Ma Ta Nee, Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

Good and Fun.
– Chellan Thangadurai, Standard Chartered

The entire programme was really enjoyable and unforgettable, we couldn’t stop sharing the enjoyable time that we had in Bintan amongst our colleagues, friends and family members. FOCUS Facilitators are well trained, each activity was very fun and memorable even till today. If there’s anyone who wants to join this programme, “FOCUS Adventure” is the best choice!
– May Teoh, Sony

After this program, I have learnt alot and gained more experiences. As a supervisor, I will recommend more of these programmes so that as a company, we can learn more, have fun together and interact among each other.
– Ah Huat, Sony

The activities for our Team Building were challenging and fun. From the programme, I have learnt something: the importance of teamwork and communication between colleagues and others. The session was also well-organized. Hope the next Team Building will be increasingly adventurous and challenging
– Lim Ming Choo, Sony

The whole Team Building programme kept me awake throughout and it made me so excited to know what and when is the next training. I really enjoyed myself for the whole programme. I will be sharing with friends, whom have not been to Team Building courses and at least share my excitement and experience of the programme with them.
– Jacqualine See, Sony

The course was effective and we enjoy ourselves a lot!
– Sony

Excellent facilitators, great programme!
– Steven Ong, Sony

Staff feedback has been very positive and most of them have enjoyed themselves. Thanks to the FOCUS team for making it a success!
– Alice Lai, Sony

Highly Recommended!
– Alex Chan, Sony

Basically, this is my first time joining a Team Building programme organized by FOCUS and I found that it was awesome and unique from other vendors. FOCUS facilitators are extremely friendly and easy to communicate with in every activity. After this Team Building and resuming work, I can feel that my working style has changed. Of course, it’s positive change! Before I end my testimonial, I wish I could join any other activities organized by FOCUS in future!
– Hiu, Sony

We at National Heritage Board were extremely happy and we had so much fun during our Retreat on 27th March 2009 at Sembawang. Although the weather was hot, it did not dampen the spirits of us NHBians to enjoy the day. The games were challenging and it did put a lot of emphasis on working together as a whole to ensure that success is within our grasp. Thank you to all facilitators for the effort in planning right down to the execution. It was a day to remember and a good start to a new work year.
– Juraimi Jamal, National Heritage Board

FOCUS Adventure has a learning programme that I would recommend to everybody; the strengths and team spirit of every individual can enhance knowledge and skills within the entire team. It was fun and I really enjoyed the programme a lot!
– Gail N.Hipolito, Shangri-La

A job well done!
– Nelson, Ministry of Manpower

A well organised and executed programme.
– Defence Science and Technology Agency

One of the best Team Building programmes which I enjoyed most. Very enriching, very useful for people who just join Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA)! Cheers!
– Lua Choon Seng, Defence Science and Technology Agency

Yes I believed all of us had enjoyed and learn a handful of good lessons from FOCUS Adventure. Thanks to your guys especially Andy Pan.
– Chua Hung Peng, Defence Science and Technology Agency

It was a great programme. Had a great time and had learnt alot. Thank you.
– Brandon Chia, Defence Science and Technology Agency

The venue for the retreat was an excellent choice. The facilitator was very friendly and no doubt very knowledgeable. Had fun interacting with them. Hope to return soon.
– Hafiz, National Environment Agency

Overall, the programme met my expectation. The Incredible Race was especially fun and motivating. It brought out those with leadership quality and those who performed tasks enthusiastically with 100% commitment. Really appreciate the provision of a Prayer Room for Muslim officers to perform our obligatory afternoon prayers.
– Abdul Jalil B A Aziz, National Environment Agency

First of all, thank you for making our Team Building programme possible on 12 February 2009 in Bintan. The entire team really had fun. Personally, I did a survey and FOCUS scored well!!! I am really glad that everyone enjoyed the session though they were rather skeptical initially, even Chew noticed when he first met us. I look forward to working with you again!
– Melinda Chia, Johnson & Johnson

FOCUS facilitators; Andy and James were both professional and interesting, truly made our day with their humor. Andy’s introduction of the energizers helped me get to know my teammates better.
The geo-caching, amazing race Team Building was great and the pace of the programme was just right. Interesting Team Building!!! Melissa, thanks for arranging our Team Building programme, we really enjoyed ourselves!
– Jinny Lee, OCBC Bank

The challenges were fun.
– Accenture

We had a great time! Thanks.
– Liling Lim, Research In Motion

Well done to the facilitators, I really enjoyed myself.
– Pfizer

Excellent Learning with fun!
– Zafar Mehmood, Bayer

Good activities and link to working environment.
– Rosalina Sutadi, Bayer

This program has a creative and interesting way of delivering Team Building messages through its challenging yet fun activities, where it gives me different perspective on solving situational problems.
– Aljuffry Abdullah, Ministry of Manpower

It was a really fun learning experience!
– Burger King

The programme met my expectations, i.e. to get energised, get to know colleagues, strengthen bond, and promote culture of inclusiveness and continuous improvement. Would be good to have it once a year to reinforce.
– Anthony Chan, Pfizer

Joey is a good facilitator for our session on 4th February 2009; planned physical games and activities were able to reflect the importance of teamwork, continueous improvement, organizations vision and integrity.
– CS Teng, Pfizer