Great work, Team FOCUS.
– Jeya, Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority

Throughly enjoyed myself. Thank you.
– Parameswari G.M., Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority

Overall, it was definitely a fun programme! Good vibes and energy.
– Li Xiangmei, Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority

Overall was good.
– Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority

I received lots of appreciation from the team participants both from Singapore and Malaysian for the organizing committee.
– Nancy Low/Yeo Ee Siang/Mary Lim/Cecilia Goh/Mohd Shuhaimi, Coca-Cola Singapore Beverages

The activities were new and interesting. The FOCUS Facilitator was humorous and quick-thinking. The background support such as the music adds to the creativeness of the activities. Overall, the programme was very well conceptualized and implemented.
– Duke NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore

Thumbs up FOCUS Adventure! We had a blast of great time during the team-building session. It brings us all closer together.
– Siti Nur Kamaliah, DHL

FOCUS Facilitator made sure that everybody enjoyed the activities. This Team Building programme gave us a good experience and lessons for the team. Experience is definitely something that you would never forget. Thank you.
– Edwards Lifesciences (Asia) Pte Ltd

The programme was very effective and I will recommend it.
– W. R. Grace

The FOCUS Facilitator was really enthusiastic and great. This was one of the better Team Building programmes I have attended.
– Health Sciences Authority On behalf of HSA, I would like to thank FOCUS Adventure for making the Team Building

programme a success right from the beginning. All those whom I’ve met had positive things to say about the programme. Please also convey our thanks to everyone else in the FOCUS team who made this event a success for us all. Thank you.
– Muhammad Fareez Bin Yahya, Health Sciences Authority

Very well conducted. I had an enjoyable time.
– Health Sciences Authority

Thanks to all Facilitators from FOCUS Adventure. You are great.
– Kelvin Chan, Home Team Academy

I have truly enjoyed myself.
– Sani, Home Team Academy

The FOCUS Team Building Programme was very interesting and relevant, particularly The Geocaching Challenge! and The Rafting Challenge!. The FOCUS Facilitator was also very experienced and interactive. We will be planning another Team Building programme in this year. Please keep us informed of other interesting programmes.
– Edmund Lee, Infocomm Development Authority Of Singapore

Good spirit from the other participants and you had games that could engage us.
– Hc, Institute of Mental Health

You have both indoor and outdoor activities which were FUN, FUN, FUN!
– Ahmad, Land Transport Authority

Everyone at FOCUS Adventure are friendly, approachable, dedicated and funny.
– Aida, Land Transport Authority

I enjoyed the innovative activities. The use of high tech GPS devices during The Geocaching Challenge! was great. The RollerCoaster Challenge! was really fun and engaging.
– Edwin, Land Transport Authority

Big thanks for our Team Building programme! From the laughter and smiles on the faces of our staff, believe that the whole programme was very well-received.
Personally, I enjoyed The Geocaching Challenge! Using the GPS to navigate was interesting. And I would have loved to enjoy Sentosa’s scenic spots more. I liked the energizers too because they were original and didn’t really ‘sabo’ anyone of us, so that put us at ease.
I was surprised how our staff really jumped into the programme after the energizers. This was apparent as they all really immersed into The Cooking Challenge! with zest and passion. (Hope we didn’t make too much of a mess) Even the food served during tea break and lunch was really up to expectations. I must say even the coffee was good! This is something we don’t get with our internal training.
We will definitely recommend FOCUS Adventure to future organizing committees.
– Egwin, Land Transport Authority

Thank you for the tremendous effort that all of you have put in for the LTA Team Building Programme. The Managers learnt to communicate and now understand the importance of team synergy. Without all of you, it would have been impossible to organise such a fruitful and successful Team Building programme.. Once again, thank you for all your hardwork and well organised activities.
– Ganesh & Doris Teo, Land Transport Authority

The FOCUS Facilitators were able to keep participants fully occupied and there was never a dull moment. There were no stress and participation free flow!
– Pat Sio Poh, Land Transport Authority

Overall I enjoyed myself very very much though. The FOCUS Facilitators did a great job in interacting with the participants .Keep it up FOCUS Adventure! Hope to see you again!
– Rohani, Land Transport Authority

From the Team Building programme, we realized that most work requires a lot of teamwork to get it done productively.
– Rosalind, Land Transport Authority

The outback location (although the camp is at Sentosa) made it a wonderful experience.
– Victor Ong, Land Transport Authority

Great Facilitator, pleasant team. Good Job!
– Land Transport Authority

Keep up the smile and energy all the way!
-Land Transport Authority

I have a great experience thru this programme.
– Land Transport Authority

I really had fun knowing more about the places that we have in SENTOSA. It also helps me to apply the knowledge in my workplace.
– Land Transport Authority

I really enjoyed the Team Building very much. It is really fun and it did helped us to know more about SENTOSA. Thank you FOCUS Adventure!
– Land Transport Authority

I really found the activities was fun enjoying. Not much stress as we also get to enjoy the scenery and know more about the places that we might not know before.
– Land Transport Authority

Greatly enjoyed the activities and got to know most of them.
– Land Transport Authority

A refreshing and truly enjoyable day. Cheers.
– Land Transport Authority

Enjoyable experiences.
– Land Transport Authority

Thanks, I enjoyed the overall programme.
– Land Transport Authority

The RollerCoaster Challenge! is a great experience for effective teamwork.
– Land Transport Authority

Firstly, I would like to thank the FOCUS Team for the great effort and support in our DPE-Team Building event. I would also like to commend on the good coordinating work. It has been a pleasant experience working with you, FOCUS Adventure. Hope to establish more working relationships in the near future. Thank you!
– Jonathan Lin, Ministry of Manpower

The programme with FOCUS Facilitators have been very enjoyable! They have make my experience with FOCUS Adventure, a very pleasant and meaningful one. They have also made me realised the objective (Values In Action) through the different activities that I had participated. May it be at work or personal life, I believe that all of us will approach issues with a different perspective now. For that, I sincerely thank the FOCUS facilitators for their professionalism.
– Billy Ong, Ministry of Manpower

Thank you for the effort and assistance to make the North East CDC Staff Retreat 2010 a great success! We look forward to work with you in the near future.
– Wilson Liong, Dennis Tan, Belinda Wong and Lynette Koh, North East Community Development Council

The FOCUS Facilitator team are cooperative and friendly. Overall it was a good Team Building session to charge up the spirit of all participant.
– Gary Low, Siegwerk

FOCUS Adventure has the ability to create eagerness and combine fun programmes to achieve the objectives.
– Harto Handojo, Siegwerk

This Team Building programme is good for the organisation.
– Singapore Land Authority

This is the best Team Building Programme that I have attended in recent years. I have thoroughly enjoyed the day and have also learnt some finer points on Team Building. The FOCUS team were excellent. Well done. I don’t think you need to put in any other things to improve on the training aspect.
– Tan Kok Tiong, Singapore Land Authority

Created closer bonding and effective teamwork.
– South West CDC

The Rafting Challenge was a test of teamwork not only among the competing teams itself, but on the overall performance of an Effective Team as a company, across diverse divisions/deparments/sections. The reward was kept padlocked in a box requiring all the keys of all teams to open it. Great!!!!!!
– Thomas Yeow, Singapore Mass Rapid Transit

FOCUS Adventure has achieved my expectations.
– Muhammad Hakim Salim, Supreme Court

Thank you Facilitator for a job well done. The team was energised, and delighted with your efforts.
– Yeoh Choo-guan, UBS (Trading)

Great job FOCUS Facilitator! Keep up the good work! Next time will be excellent! Cheers!
– Doris Tay, Workforce Development Authority (CES)

The FOCUS Facilitator was quick and responsive. With his observation and analyzing techniques, it allows me to walk away with a better understanding of the outcome of the activity. Great job!
– Irene Teo, Workforce Development Authority (IAL)

Great job! I had great fun. Thanks!
– James Chia, Workforce Development Authority (HRBD)

Good job!
– Kwan Wei, Workforce Development Authority (MCD)

Thank you!
– Lam Kit Ying, Workforce Development Authority (ITD)

I was surprised by outcomes in a positive way. Well done and thank you.
– Rebecca Ye, Workforce Development Authority (IAL)

Very very very fun and enjoyable! Learnt alot about company values, made many new friends. Fun fun fun fun!!!
– Shirlin Lim, Workforce Development Authority (CES)

FOCUS had successfully met the deliverables in their programmes. Thanks for organizing this.
– Yogi Chai, Workforce Development Authority (MCD)

The debriefing conducted after each activity helped to cement what we learnt, and relate it to WDAs core values.
– Workforce Development Authority

Fantastic programme and job done!
– Workforce Development Authority

Thank you!
– Workforce Development Authority

The FOCUS Facilitator was very effective. He has a lot of knowledge and experience to be able to relate the learnings in the debriefs. Three cheers to FOCUS facilitator!
– Workforce Development Authority