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MARCH 2018

“Working with Deep and his TEAM was easy and they made it seamless. Instructions were clear and delivered in a light-hearted manner. Everyone had fun and were still talking about it the next day morning! Great job!”
Ruth Chua
HR Specialist, Wildlife Reserves Singapore  
 “The activities were very fun and engaging… really had an awesome time with the TEAM.”
Christabel Goh Choon Khim
Housing and Development Board     
“Building a bike with a cause make the team bonding activities very meaningful and focus. Really enjoy the activities planned.”
Teacher, Shuqun Primary School
“FAcilitator was able to efficiently facilitate the programme flow making the it enjoyable despite the horrible weather.”
Wallace Neo
Tax Officer, Inland Revenue Authority Singapore
“We had a great time participating in the teambuilding activities organized by FOCUS on 10 March 2018. Please send my heartfelt thanks to Pradeep and the other FAcilitators for the coordination and hard work they put in to make this yet another memorable experience for our colleagues. I’m sure each of us has brought back some key learning objectives as takeaway as well as good memory with the rest at the end of the programme.Shall look forward to engaging FOCUS again in the future. Thanks a lot! ”
Wallace Neo
Tax Officer, Inland Revenue Authority Singapore
“The FAcilitators have done a great job! The activities were not too strenuous.”
Kate Yeo
Assistant Manager, SONY
“The rolling wood which need us to balance our body is so exciting and unforgetabale.”
Lian Tong
Nanyang Technological University
“Do planning, discussion, strategies share feedback together – Get to know the colleagues and understand better – Activities that build teamwork and bond!”
Tan Meow In
Senior Executive, ComfortDelGro
“All different teammates grouping in the different activities make us realised how to team well regardless of the scope of work or people that we seldom work with due to different job scope in real life.”
Manager, ComfortDelGro
“Its excited and wonderful experience to have in Singapore!”
Maggie Qian
Forte – A brand of Corporate Travel Services
“The activities were planned in a smooth flow. Some indoors and some outdoors. I thought that The Roller Coaster Challenge! activity could be replaced with something else.”
Melissa Yam
Estate Manager, Housing and Development Board
“The programmes are well-structure – providing us water, sun screen, insects spray and etcs – the pace of the programmes are good – Facilitators are engaging.”
Amanda Zhang
Senior Tax Officer, Inland Revenue Authority
“The learning points from each of the activity was good for everyone to take home.”
Shawn Ang
Senior Tax Officer, Inland Revenue Authority
“The FAcilitators were really friendly and approachable. They also pushed me to try the High Elements although I was afraid initially.”
Housing and Development Board
“Great combination of substance, net-working, teambuilding activity, and FUN!”
Vilayvanh Phonepraseuth
World Bank Group   
“During the brief was not that detail in the programme but the entire facilitation works out very well, our company enjoy it.”
Christopher Wee
Account Manager, Sony Mobile International AB  
  “Awesome programme conducted! Great activities and the best Facilitators we can ever ask for. Really appreciate the time and effort put into this by our Facilitators. I’m sure we all had fun. Thank you! I would definitely recommend friends for this programme.”
Joshua Tan Wei Jie
Estate Executive, Housing and Development Board
“DISC test was good to understand about myself and the teambuilding activities were great! ”
Mohammed Ayub Khan
Compliance Manager, Aberdeen Asset Management
“The activities helped to bond everyone together, putting aside work stuff and come together as one big TEAM.”
Beverly Ong
Assistant Manager, Inland Revenue Authority
“Great energy driving TEAM with suitable place for sun, sand and sea.”
Tony Seah
Ministry of Trade & Industry
“I thought the activity was excellent and extremely effective as a teambuilding programme. It will definitely have improved trust among my TEAM members. ”
Stuart Loy
Royal Bank of Scotland
“A beautiful few hours out on a very nice boat!”
Low Yi Ling
Research Assistance, Solvay Specialty Chemicals Asia Pacific Pte Ltd
“It was really an enjoyable and memorable day. Learnt a lot on teambuilding and how we can brainstorm together to achieve the best results.”
Nur Arifah Mukaral
Management Assistant Officer, National University of Singapore
“FAcilitator is very good to bond everyone together with interesting activities.”
Ivy Tan
Assistant Manager, Inland Revenue Authority
“The Incredible Race segment was actually well planned which made the teams more united.”
Kenneth Koh
Senior Tax Officer, Inland Revenue Authority
“The Lead FAcilitator sends us such good vibes and has great energy making the programme experience really an enjoyable one overall! Thank you!”
Admin Executive, Housing and Development Board
“It was a great opportunity to get to know my work mates in a non-formal setting. I would recommend this to other teams in the future.”
Andrew Bettiol
Associate Professor, Yale-NUS College
“FOCUS Adventure programme has create an unique teambuilding experience to explore the #StateOfFun together with fellow colleagues. Huat Ah!”
Chua Chuen Loy
Laboratory Technologist, National University of Singapore
“The Time we bonded during The Incredible Race! and had so much fun shooting each other.”
Suhana Sulaiman
Senior Executive, Yale-NUS College
“The programmes were fun and especially when we formed and worked as teams for different programmes. The FAcilitator was clear and humorous.”
Lim Chew Eng
Lab Technologist, National University of Singapore
"1) Like the energizers workout: Massage and scissor, paper and stone game. 2) Took team photos at various spots 3) Would have preferred running indoors like The Maritime Museum for The Incredible Race! activity. Weather too hot. 4) Domino is great! especially when the execution involves all tables (art piece). However, could have inform to run both direction so the fall down display would be greater."
Lab Tech, National University of Singapore
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Singapore

Each team will be tasked to build a robot together. After which they will be going through the learning session on manual controls and how to control them. This will allow their robots to be unique as compared to the rest. Their final objective will be to pit the robot that they built against man-made obstacles such as to carry items and moving from point A to point B or to going through a maze or to dance! The possibilities is endless! They will then customise a message for the children using the robots built and have it delivered to the beneficiaries.


Learning Objectives


  • To understand that it is not always the results that matter but also the process
  • Engage participant’s imagination and problem solving skills
  • Increase confidence and commitment levels
    Allows greater meaning to giving and helping those in need
  • To tap on each other’s strengths and weaknesses
Supermarket Race Challenge Logo

If you are looking for an exciting challenge with a meaningful element, The Supermarket Race Challenge! will be the program for you! Teams will get to earn cash by attempting a series of challenges along the race, in a bid to earn enough money to purchase essential items for the selected beneficiary. Given a limited time and facing multiple challenges, teams will have to plan carefully and make strategic decisions to optimize their resources, and purchase as many items as possible for a good cause.