Rev Up Your Team Spirit with The Race Kart Challenge!

Rev Up Your Team Spirit with The Race Kart Challenge!

Gear up for an adrenaline-pumping Teambuilding experience this quarter! Inspired by the electrifying world of Formula One, we’re introducing The Race Kart Challenge, a program designed to ignite creativity, collaboration, and friendly competition.

Building the Dream Machine:

The Race Kart Challenge puts your team in the heart of the action. You’ll work together to construct a customised race kart from scratch, following the provided specifications. Unleash the teams’ engineering and design flair—the materials for crafting the ultimate kart are yours to work!

Challenge Accepted!

The journey continues beyond construction. Throughout the process, teams are presented with exciting challenges to earn them additional materials, allowing them to enhance their kart’s potential further.

Race Day and the Unexpected:

Once the bell rings on construction, teams will showcase their creations before heading to the track for the main event! Here’s where things get interesting—a unique twist awaits during the race, testing your team’s communication and emphasising the importance of working together. Remember, it’s not just about raw speed—it’s about going the distance as a team.

Ready to Take the Challenge?

The Race Kart Challenge promises an unforgettable experience that fosters collaboration, problem-solving, and a healthy team spirit. So buckle up and prepare to race towards victory!  

Click here to contact us to learn more about booking your team’s Race Kart Challenge!

Spark Innovation in Your Team at FOCUS Adventure’s New Function Room in Amara Sanctuary!

Spark Innovation in Your Team at FOCUS Adventure’s New Function Room in Amara Sanctuary!

Unleash creativity and ignite productivity in your next team gathering with the arrival of the Innovation Room at Amara Sanctuary!

This brand-new function space offers a sophisticated and inspiring environment for groups of up to 50 participants.  Imagine brainstorming sessions bathed in natural light or strategic planning meetings fueled by the energy of a vibrant hotel setting.

But that’s not all!

At Amara Sanctuary, we understand that a successful team event goes beyond just the location. That’s why we offer a variety of engaging Teambuilding programs designed to complement your meeting or workshop.

Here’s what makes the Innovation Room at Amara Sanctuary perfect for your next team event:

Modern and Stylish: Impress your team with a sleek, contemporary space that fosters creative thinking.

Accommodating: Host up to 50 participants for meetings, workshops, or presentations.

Natural Light: Bright and airy surroundings keep your team energised and focused throughout the day.

Hotel Ambience: Experience the comfort and convenience of a hotel setting with everything you need readily at hand.

Teambuilding Options: Elevate your event with a curated Teambuilding program to enhance communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills.

Ready to take your team event to the next level?

Contact our team today to discuss how the Innovation Room and our Teambuilding programs can help you achieve your goals.

Transform your meeting into an unforgettable experience for your team with FOCUS Adventure in Innovation at Amara Sanctuary Resort Sentosa!

We look forward to hearing from you!

– The FOCUS Adventure Team –

The Great Escape Challenge: Unleash Teamwork and Problem-Solving in a Fun, Customizable Experience!

The Great Escape Challenge: Unleash Teamwork and Problem-Solving in a Fun, Customizable Experience!

Imagine your team facing a critical data breach! The Great Escape Challenge throws your team into a thrilling scenario where they must collaborate to stop a cyberattack and save the company’s data. It is an immersive teambuilding program designed to push your team’s limits and foster collaboration uniquely and memorably.

The Escape Room, Redefined

The Great Escape Challenge goes beyond traditional escape rooms.  We offer a highly customisable experience, crafting a scenario tailored to your organisation and industry.

Need an example?

Tech Startup: Your team becomes a crack team of programmers tasked with restoring a malfunctioning AI before a critical launch.

Law Firm: Unravel a complex legal case by piecing together evidence and solving puzzles hidden within a virtual courtroom.

Healthcare: Work collaboratively to diagnose a mysterious illness and create a treatment plan before time runs out.

Finance: Your team transforms into a crack squad of financial analysts tasked with preventing a major cyberattack on a bank’s digital infrastructure.

Logistics & Supply Chain: Navigate a complex supply chain disruption, solving logistical puzzles and coordinating efforts to ensure timely delivery of critical goods.

Marketing & Advertising: Become a creative agency on a tight deadline, solving riddles and completing challenges to launch a viral marketing campaign.

Hospitality & Tourism: Work together as hotel staff to solve a guest mystery, utilising critical thinking and teamwork to deliver exceptional service and resolve the situation.

Education: Embark on a historical adventure, deciphering codes and solving puzzles to uncover a hidden artefact or answer a historical mystery.

Government: As a team of diplomats, negotiate a critical international treaty by overcoming cultural differences and solving puzzles to reach a successful agreement.

The Benefits of Escape

The Great Escape Challenge isn’t just about solving puzzles and unlocking your team’s potential.  

Participants will develop essential skills like:

  • Strategic Planning: Develop a winning approach to overcome challenges.
  • Communication: Effectively share information and ideas within the team.
  • Collaboration: Work together to leverage each other’s strengths.
  • Thinking Ahead: Analyse situations and anticipate potential problems.
  • Systems Thinking: View the challenge holistically and identify solutions.

Ready to Take the Challenge?

Transform your next team event into an unforgettable experience that fosters collaboration and problem-solving.  Contact us today to discuss how FOCUS Adventure can customise The Great Escape Challenge for your organisation!


CSR Activity in Singapore


Dozens of eager faces from AstraZeneca, hands buzzing with activities assembling 18 bicycles fresh from the packing boxes. They are not just assembling bicycles as these were destined for a special purpose, to bring joy and mobility to migrant workers residing far from their daily lives. This unique teambuilding programme specially customised for the team of AstraZeneca was an experience brimming with teamwork, purpose, and a heart-warming connection.

Many migrant workers, the backbone of our society, reside in dormitories, are often located far from essential amenities. During their well-deserved rest days, travelling can be challenging. Having a bicycle empowers them to explore, run errands, and connect with their communities in a cost-effective and sustainable way.

The magic unfolded during our signature “The Build a Bike Challenge!” teambuilding programme. What began as seemingly competitive to assemble bikes shifted dramatically in the midst of the programme. As we revealed the bikes’ destination – to the migrant worker community – a wave of collaboration washed over the room. The competitive spirit transformed into a beautiful display of teamwork! With participants sharing resources, offering a helping hand, and cheering each other on.

It’s this purposeful element that sets our teambuilding programmes apart. By revealing the impact of their actions, we witness a shift in behaviour, fostering a stronger sense of purpose and conection within the team. The debrief session becomes a powerful moment of reflection, reminding everyone of the positive ripple effect their actions can create.

The AstraZeneca team embraced the idea of giving back with open arms. It was truly inspiring to see their dedication to delivering something truly impactful.

Inspired by AstraZeneca’s journey? Ready to embark on your own meaningful teambuilding adventure? Let your team experience the joy of giving back while strengthening their bond. Contact us today and discover how we can craft an unforgettable experience that will leave a lasting impact on both your team and the community you choose to support.



We are thrilled to announce the relaunch of our much-loved CSR initiative, The Build a Bike Challenge! It’s not just about building bicycles; it’s about making connections, fostering teamwork, and creating positive change within our community.

The Challenge Unveiled:

Teams, get ready for an exhilarating experience that goes beyond competition. The Build a Bike Challenge! brings teams together with a competitive spirit, but the essence lies in the unexpected twist. Halfway through the programme, participants discover a greater purpose for their teambuilding in bike-building efforts.

Collaboration in Action:

While teams initially approach the challenge with a competitive mindset, realisation dawns on competing teams;  the bicycles they are building will be donated to a beneficiary. Witness the transformation as individuals shift from a competitive mindset to a collaborative one, recognising the impact their efforts will have on the lives of others.

Spreading Joy to Kids:

This year, we are excited to extend the joy of cycling to children in need. The bicycles built through The Build a Bike Challenge! will be donated to beneficiaries caring for the young, bringing smiles, fostering a love for the outdoors, and empowering them to explore the world of adventure around them.

Empowering Migrant Workers:

In addition to supporting children, we have expanded our initiative to empower migrant workers. The Build a Bike Challenge! will contribute the bicycles to migrant workers, facilitating easier transportation and enhancing their mobility within the community which will also ease them at work too.

Be a part of this transformative experience! Witness first-hand the power of collaboration, the joy of giving, and the positive impact we can make together while teambuilding at the same time.

Why The Build a Bike Challenge! ?
  • Team Building: Strengthen team bonds and communication through a shared goal.
  • Community Social Responsibility (CSR) Impact: Make a tangible difference by contributing to a meaningful cause.
  • Community Engagement: Connect with the local community and make a lasting impact.
Get Involved:

Whether you’re a seasoned team or a group of individuals looking to make a difference, The Build a Bike Challenge! is open to all.

Let’s pedal towards positive change and build a future where collaboration and community support thrive!

Contact us at  to find out more about this incredible initiative!




We are delighted to share some thrilling news that marks a new chapter in our journey of fostering teamwork and unforgettable experiences. FOCUS Adventure has officially unveiled our brand new event space at the prestigious Amara Sanctuary Resort in Sentosa!


A Premium Teambuilding Location

Situated within Amara Sanctuary Resort Sentosa, our new event space  is set to redefine the landscape of teambuilding. Tailored for workshops and low-impact teambuilding activities, this space is designed to elevate your corporate events, offering a perfect blend of tranquillity and cutting-edge facilities.


The Perfect Setting for Corporate Excellence:

Embrace the beauty and serenity of Amara Sanctuary Resort in Sentosa while engaging in impactful teambuilding activities. The Innovation room provides an ideal backdrop for fostering creativity, communication, and team cohesion. Whether you are planning workshops, brainstorm sessions or team retreats, this space is crafted to enhance the experience for your team.


Our Partnership with Amara Sanctuary: 

This expansion results from our strong partnership with Amara Sanctuary, a collaboration built on shared values of excellence and dedication to delivering exceptional experiences. FOCUS Adventure and Amara Sanctuary are committed to providing state-of-the-art locations that meet the evolving needs of our clients.


Continued Support for Your Corporate Events:

As we introduce this new event space, we want to assure our valued clients that our commitment to supporting your event remains unwavering. Our talented FAcilitators, innovative activities, and now this premium venue come together to create an unparalleled experience for your team.


Join us at our New event space! Book your next corporate event with us for a customised programme to meet your unique objectives! For enquiries, reservations, or more information, please get in touch with us at  Thank you for being a part of the FOCUS Adventure community, and we hope to see you soon!



This teambuilding programme educates participants about the risks of scams and encourages collaboration and problem-solving as teams work together to develop effective preventive measures.

Objective: To enhance the team’s awareness and knowledge about common scams and develop strategies to protect the company from threats.


Introduction (30 minutes):

  • A brief presentation on common scams targeting corporations (phishing, CEO fraud, invoice scams, etc.).
  • Overview of the financial and reputational risks associated with falling victim to scams.

Team Formation (15 minutes):

  • Divide participants into sub teams (4-6 members per team).

Scam Identification Activity (45 minutes):

  • Each team is given a list of potential scam scenarios.
  • Teams discuss and identify whether each scenario is a scam or not.
  • Teams present their conclusions to the group, explaining the reasons for their choices.

Interactive Workshop (60 minutes):

  • Rotate through challenges where teams engage in hands-on activities
  • Phishing Simulation: Teams receive simulated phishing emails and must identify and report them.
  • Role-Play Exercise: Teams act out scenarios where a scam targets an employee, and they must respond appropriately.
  • Case Study Analysis: Teams review real-life examples of corporate scams, discuss how they could have been prevented, and present their findings.

Strategy Development (30 minutes):

  • Teams brainstorm and develop a list of preventive measures and best practices to protect the company from scams.
  • Each team creates an action plan with specific steps to implement within the organisation.

Presentation (30 minutes):

  • Teams present their action plans to the entire group.
  • The best action plan, as determined by a panel or popular vote, receives a prize or recognition.

Key Takeaways:

  • Increased awareness of common scams.
  • Improved ability to identify and respond to potential threats.
  • Development of practical strategies to safeguard the organisation.



Unlock Creativity, Ignite Innovation

Are you ready to revolutionise your approach to problem-solving and innovation? Join FOCUS Consulting for an immersive Design Thinking Workshop, a dynamic programme designed to unleash creativity, foster collaboration, and drive innovation within your organisation.

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the ability to innovate is a key differentiator. Design Thinking is a human-centred approach that empowers individuals and teams to tackle complex challenges, generate groundbreaking ideas, and transform the way we approach problem-solving.

What Sets Us Apart?

At FOCUS Consulting, we believe in experiential learning by doing. Our Design Thinking Workshop goes beyond theory, incorporating experiential activities and interactive sessions to ensure participants understand the concepts and apply them in real-world scenarios.

Programme Highlights
  1. Introduction to Design Thinking (1 hour)
    • Understanding the Design Thinking framework
    • Recognising the importance of empathy in problem-solving
    • Exploring the impact of user-centric design
  1. Empathy Building Activities (1.5 hours)
    • Engage in experiential activities to develop empathy skills
    • Learn how to conduct user interviews and gather insights
    • Practice active listening and observation techniques
  1. Ideation and Prototyping (2 hours)
    • Foster a culture of brainstorming and idea generation
    • Hands-on prototyping exercises to turn ideas into tangible solutions
    • Understand the value of iteration and rapid prototyping
  1. Collaboration and Teambuilding (1.5 hours)
    • Team-based challenges to enhance collaboration
    • Effective communication strategies within teams
    • Building a culture of innovation within your organisation


  1. Real-World Application (1 hour)
    • Case studies and success stories of organisations applying Design Thinking
    • Guided discussions on implementing Design Thinking in your workplace
Why FOCUS Consulting?

Experiential Learning: Our workshops are designed to be interactive, ensuring participants actively engage with the content through hands-on activities.

Expert Facilitators: Led by industry experts with a wealth of experience in Design Thinking and innovation, our facilitators guide participants through the process with practical insights and best practices.

Tailored Solutions: We understand that each organisation is unique. The workshops can be customised to address specific challenges and opportunities within your industry.

Invest in Innovation Today!

Unleash the creative potential within your team and drive innovation that propels your organisation forward.

Contact FOCUS Consulting,  to book your half or full-day Design Thinking Workshop and embark on a journey towards transformation.

The AR Rush Challenge!

The AR Rush Challenge

The “AR Rush Challenge! is an exciting new corporate teambuilding programmes with teams working together to complete a series of challenges using cutting-edge AR technology. The programmes encourages teamwork, communication and problem-solving skills in a high-energy, competitive environment.

During the programmes, teams will be tasked with completing a series of challenges that require them to navigate through a pre-planned customized route using AR technology. The programmes encourages teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills in a competitive, high-energy environment.

Each team will be equipped with a tablet with AR capabilities that will allow them to see and interact with virtual objects in the real world. They will also have access to various other tools and resources, including maps, puzzles and clues to help them complete each challenge.


The AR Rush Challenge! is a thrilling and engaging teambuilding programmes perfect for companies looking to improve communication, collaboration and problem-solving skills among their employees. Its exciting blend of technology and competition will surely be a hit with teams of all ages and skill levels.

Learning Outcome:

  1. Improved Communication Skills: Teams must communicate effectively to complete the challenges successfully. This programmes can help participants develop better communication skills, including active listening, clear expression, and collaboration.


  2. Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills: The challenges in the programmes require participants to think creatively and critically to find solutions. Participants will learn to break down problems into smaller components and develop innovative solutions.


  3. Increased Adaptability: As the challenges occur in various locations, participants must quickly adapt to new environments and situations. This programmes can help develop a sense of adaptability and flexibility, which can be useful in various professional and personal situations.


  4. Better Teamwork and Collaboration: The programmes competitive nature requires participants to work together to achieve their goals. This programmes can help individuals understand the importance of teamwork and develop better collaboration skills.


  5. Fun and Engaging Learning Experience: The programmes uses AR technology to provide a unique and engaging learning experience that participants can enjoy. This programmes can help participants learn fun and excitingly, leading to a more positive attitude towards learning and personal development.

Environmental Impact Assessment

Environmental Impact Assessment

With an emphasis in today’s world on Sustainability, organisations worldwide are starting to look into their environmental footprint and sustainability practices. Our 50-item assessment covers social, environmental, economic, transportation, energy, waste and water sustainability, helping your organisation measure its performance against the triple bottom line. With this, an organisation can identify areas for improvement, measure progress, set sustainability goals, gain actionable insights and ultimately help you make informed decisions to demonstrate your commitment towards sustainability. Impress the stakeholders by enhancing your organisation’s social, environmental and economic impact. Join the movement today.


Learning Outcome:

  1. Enhanced understanding of the importance of sustainability in business operations
  2. Awareness of the key elements of sustainability, including social, environmental, and economic aspects
  3. Increased knowledge of sustainable practices and strategies that can be implemented in various aspects of the organisation, such as transportation, energy, waste, and water management
  4. Ability to assess corporate sustainability practices using a comprehensive questionnaire
  5. Understanding of the triple bottom line concept and its relevance to business sustainability
  6. Development of a sustainability action plan that addresses specific areas for improvement
  7. Increased collaboration and communication among employees and departments regarding sustainability initiatives
  8. Ability to identify and overcome potential roadblocks to sustainability implementation
  9. Improved commitment and motivation towards sustainability goals
  10. Understanding long-term benefits of sustainability, including cost savings, reputation enhancement, and positive social and environmental impact