Calling all professionals from the Education, Learning and Development as well as Outdoor Adventure field. FOCUS Adventure is proud to present the latest innovation in challenge ropes course technology – the Team Challenge Hourglass (TCH). The TCH is a 24 m high challenge tower consisting of 24 different challenges, and is designed to stimulate maximum participant engagement and learning. It operates on a continuous belay system, which is easy for participants to use and significantly enhances their safety.

FOCUS Adventure would like to invite Instructors, Trainers, Educators, Facilitators and anyone from the people development field to join the TCH accreditation programmes. These programmes will allow you to guide and lead your own groups on the TCH. There are two levels of certification programmes:

1. Team Challenge Hourglass Instructor Certification
This certification will provide participants with a standardized understanding of the essential skills needed to perform effectively as an instructor on the Team Challenge Hourglass (TCH), and allows instructors to guide groups on the TCH, under the supervision of a Certified TCH Supervisor.

2. Team Challenge Hourglass Supervisor Certification
This course is designed for experienced instructors who intend to lead groups on the TCH, and will equip participants with the knowledge and skills to safely supervise participants and lead other instructors on the TCH. This certification allows supervisors to lead groups and manage certified TCH instructors on the TCH.

For more info, please visit



2016 is the year FOCUS Adventure celebrates our 20th anniversary. It has been a successful 20 years for us and this is mainly due to the continuous support from you, our clients. 2016 also mark a new milestone for FOCUS Adventure – we have shifted to a new and improved site in Sentosa, built the first Team Challenge Hourglass in Singapore and built up our capacity to conduct and support sea activities by investing in sail boats, dragon boats and kayaks.

The next 20 years will be as challenging as the last 20, but we will continue to strive towards offering innovative and customised programmes to you, and continue to uphold the unique FOCUS Adventure experience.

Lastly, we would like take this opportunity to thank you for your unwavering support, and we look forward to continue building closer working relationships with you in the years to come.



In 2016, FOCUS Adventure has successfully re-oriented its business structure towards the social enterprise model and officially become a member of raiSE, the Centre for Social Enterprise.

FOCUS Adventure believes in the importance of giving back to the society by linking up between our corporate clients and beneficiaries. By identifying the needs of the beneficiaries, FOCUS Adventure provides a platform through programmes (The CSR Challenge!) and support through channeling of resources to meet those needs.

Social Mission

– To Facilitate CSR Programmes and Resources between Corporate and VWOs.

Four Key Commitments:

1.    To Facilitate CSR Programmes between Corporate Clients and VWOs.

2.    To Channel CSR Resources from Corporate Clients to Identified Needs of VWOs.

3.    To Identify, Engage and Develop Under-privileged Youths for Employment in FOCUS Adventure through Adventure Learning Methodology and the Alpha Challenge Scholarship, so as to bring about a Higher Self-esteem, Self-confidence and Self-reliance in the Individual.

4.    To Participate and Contribute in the Building of a Community, and the Spirit and Ethos of Social Enterprises in Singapore through Dialogue, Engagement and Process Facilitation.



On 24th March 2016, as early as 0800 hrs, 1,300 staff from a global early education organisation arrived at FOCUS Adventure; on the sandy beach of the State of Fun, Sentosa for their Staff Day. This is the first time all six early childhood education brands from the organisation in Singapore came together.

It was an extremely hot day but the heat did not dry up the passion and enthusiasm of the fun loving staff who tried their hands on the “Sporty” and “Creative” activities such as building race cars out of limited cardboards and other resources, rowing in our unique dragon boats, kayaking and FOCUS Adventure’s latest activity; The Bubble Challenge!, just to name a few.

The main highlight was the Cardboard Race Car competition. A total of 92 teams raced in a unique relay, 2 “drivers” (2 members from each team) had to race while wearing their own custom built cardboard cars. The difficulty of the race was raised as the “drivers” were blindfolded and needed to be guided by another team member.

Unkown to the participants, their organisation was in the midst of setting a new Singapore Book of Records. 4 rounds of Heats and the Finals were conducted under the invigilation of the representative from Singapore Book of Records. Under the scorching hot sun, the fastest car emerged after 30 minutes of racing and a new Singapore Book of Records for the “Largest Wearable Cardboard Box Race” was set with a total of 282 people in 141 wearable cardboard cars.

Other highlights of the day included the generous prizes awarded to the best teams for the following activities;

The Sandcastle Challenge!
The Alpha Link Challenge!
The Trebuchet Challenge!
The Dodge Ball Challenge!

Prizes were also awarded to the Top 5 teams with the Best Cardboard Race Car Design and Fastest in completing the Cardboard Race Car.

The Staff Day ended successfully with the Singapore Book of Records Award being presented to the group’s CEO!

More information on the Singapore Book of Records awarded to our client can be found in the following link:



On 22nd May 2016, a total of 15 FOCUS Adventure partners, 20 Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC) staff, 40 Bank of China (BOC) volunteers collaborated together to give 260 beneficiaries (from 2 years old to 76 years old) across 70 families, a day of fun and importantly, quality family time. This Family Bonding Day is part of FOCUS Adventure’s ongoing CSR efforts to strengthen family relationships through our experiential activities. For many of the families, it was their first time visiting Sentosa together. Through our customised incredible race, they experienced the essence of family bonds and cross family collaboration.

The event was graced by Miss Low Yen Ling, Parliamentary Secretary for the Ministry of Education Ministry of Trade and Industry. Miss Low joined in the families during the race as they participated together in the team challenges. It was very heartwarming to see the families constantly encouraging each other as they face certain difficulties during the challenges. In fact, the children were often the ones leading their parents in overcoming those challenges, and were a source of motivation for them. The ethos of family spirit was reflected and constantly built up throughout the whole programme, which resulted in stronger bonds for all families.



Camp Simba is a 3-day-2-night camp for the children of cancer patients. Since it was conceived in 2009, this annual camp has been a huge success and is now an integral part of SingHealth and HCA Hospice Care’s annual programmes for their patients’ children. On top of that, three follow-up reunions are scheduled after the official camp, where Facilitators and children meet up once again for 1-day retreats, offering year-long support for the children.

For the 2nd year running, FOCUS Adventure is very proud to be given the opportunity to contribute, through the sponsorship of our site and facilities in Sentosa. On the 1st day of Camp Simba 2016, approximately 60 children and 40 student Facilitators gathered at our Learning Facility for a day of exciting activities. In the morning portion, the children went through a series of ice-breaking activities in the function rooms, and the atmosphere was lively and energetic. In the afternoon portion, the children were given a hands on experience on kayaking and rafting. Guided and led by their student Facilitators, the children worked as a TEAM to paddle their kayaks or rafts and move forward on the sea. It  was definitely a good experience for many of them, on top of that a rare opportunity where they are able to experience such water sports.



On 22nd July 2016, approximately 165 participants from MSD Pharma (Singapore) Pte Ltd and 60 elderly from SASCO Senior Citizens’ Home spent an afternoon together in Sentosa’s S.E.A Aquarium. It was part of MSD Singapore’s IT Bonding and Volunteering Day, in which the participants went through a fun-filled teambuilding session in the morning, followed by the volunteering segment in the afternoon.

The participants are split into groups of 2 or 3, accompanying the elderly into S.E.A. Aquarium. Each elderly was given a colorful passport which contains photos of the diverse species of marine animals that S.E.A Aquarium has. Whenever they spot and identify a marine animal, the participants will use an ink chop to indicate on their passport. This makes the whole session more engaging for the elderly, and they get to know the names of the marine animal as well.

Most of the elderly had difficulties in walking and had to be in wheelchairs. Throughout the whole session, the participants were more cautious and took the extra effort to make sure the elderly were well taken care of. Through this form of interaction, they showed a different side of them which fellow colleagues will not be able to see during normal work circumstances. Even though some of the participants had difficulties in  communicating with the elderly due to language barriers, they were able to adapt quickly and communicate via hand gestures and body movement, which the elderly can see and understand. It was indeed a very heartwarming sight to witness.

All in all, it was a fruitful day for both the elderly and the participants. For many of the elderly, it was their first time in S.E.A Aquarium, and being up close to so many species of marine animals was definitely an eye-opener and a good experience for them.  For the participants, it was a meaningful day away from their daily work routines. Albeit short, the time spent with the elderly is memorable and the takeaways are vast.



Around 40 participants comprising of clients and their loved ones travelled down to Sentosa, The State of Fun on 23rd October 2016 to participate in the PokeGO Party, hosted by the combined effort of FOCUS Adventure and Outdoor Adventures.

With their own strategies in mind, participants went out in different directions after the briefing in a bid to win top prizes for the Highest Combat Power Pokemon caught during the party, as well as the “Most Liked” Instagram photos with the hash tags #FOCUSAdventure and #PokeGOParty.

Participants were spoilt of choice for Pokestops to go to as the FOCUS Adventure and Outdoor Adventures facilitators continuously placed lures at all Pokestops along the entire stretch of beach from 11am to 3pm. Visitors were also invited to join in the fun of catching Pokemons too.

By 2.30pm, most of the participants were already heading back to the end point to register their catch of the day with most looking tired, but satisfied. While the scores were being tabulated, participants enjoyed a trip back to their childhood as episodes of Pokemon were screened in our function room, starting from the very first season.

By the end of the party, FOCUS Adventure and Outdoor adventures gave out $260 worth of ITunes and Google play gift cards, and free Sailing sessions to 5 eventual winners and we congratulate them once more.

Participants also got to try their hands on our newest activities such as the Combat Laser Guns, Archery Tag and Bubble Soccer. It was indeed a pleasant sight watching the families and friends try out the activities and having fun.

We sincerely thank all the participants for joining in the fun and allowing us to spread the spirit of team and family bonding, especially to new friends that we met for the first time. We look forward to seeing you at the next event.



FOCUS Adventure has partnered LooLa Adventure Resort, an award winning eco-resort based in Bintan to empower companies looking to contribute and make an impact in the local community. LooLa is leading an international research program (involving World Business Council for Sustainable Development and several universities including NUS), to economize further on the original UNICEF-designed wastewater gardens. This project doesn’t only allow economic gains for the local families, it also has deep social impacts and health and environmental benefits.

We are currently exploring the opportunities available, so do look out for more updates. Email us at to see how your company can be involved in this global project!



As testament to our constant quest for innovation, professionalism, fun and impact for our participants, FOCUS Adventure is proud to announce that we have once more been awarded the ‘Best Teambuilding Training Provider 2016’ during the HR Vendors of the Year Award 2016. Having also won in 2015, we were not content to rest on our laurels, rather we did not stop striving for further excellence, constantly innovating and developing new programmes for our participants without neglecting our existing strengths.

Of course all this would not have been possible without the support of all our valued clients, past and present, and also the time, energy and efforts of all our partners. To all who have contributed to our success in one way or other, FOCUS Adventure would like to offer a sincere thank you and our deepest appreciation to each and every one of you. We will also continue our efforts for excellence, and continue to deliver quality and innovative Adventure Learning programmes to all our clients.


FOCUS Adventure is proud to announce that we have been awarded ‘Best Teambuilding Training Provider’ during the recent HR Vendors of the year Award 2015. This award ceremony is organised by the Human Resource Magazine and this year was the award’s 10th annual edition. The award ceremony was attended by HR professionals from various industry and receiving the award for FOCUS Adventure is our Deputy Director, Hwee Li and Facilitator, Joey Ng.

The winner of this prestigious award is determined through a two-step process:

Step 1 – Research on the preferences of HR managers & directors to decide the finalists and

Step 2 – A judging panel of esteemed HR leaders to decide the winners. These HR leaders include senior managers from Multi-National Corporations such as DBS, Monsanto and Mitsubishi Electric.

Winning this award is a great affirmation from the industry as a whole and we would like to thank all of our clients, past and present, and partners who have contributed to our success. Winning this award is also a reminder to us, the FOCUS Adventure team, to continue to strive towards delivering quality Adventure Learning Programmes to our clients.